If you use online banking, or business software like Microsoft 365, you’ve probably been prompted to activate 2FA or MFA – that’s Two-Factor, or Multi-Factor Authentication.
It’s the part of the login process that asks you to enter a code that appears on your phone, or to use your fingerprint to prove that you’re really you.
To protect the businesses we work with, we recommend that all our clients’ systems should be secured using MFA. This protects against 99.9% of cyber attacks.
It’s not hard to do, but the benefits are huge. To explain everything, I’ve produced a new guide – All Businesses Should Adopt MFA. Now.
You can download my guide FREE from our website, and watch our short video for a quick lowdown:
If you’d like help to improve your security, access our live calendar here to set up a 15 min video call. We will answer any questions you have!